Monday, August 10, 2009


Just today President Barack Obama made an announcement that he’s constructed a powerful healthcare plan that he believes will not only save the U.S. trillions of dollars, but more importantly millions of lives. The plan calls for every citizen in America to visit a Maximized Living (M.L.) doctor on a weekly basis. The reason: prevention and pro-activeness is at the foundation of what M.L. doctors believe and practice. And he stated, “by every American participating in the 5 essentials, our country will see radical healthcare savings as well as massive improvements in health, wellness, and vitality”.

The plan more specifically calls for weekly chiropractic adjustments to optimize the brain-body connection, enhance neurological integrity, thus supporting optimal, God-given healing potential & performance. By doing this weekly, Obama feels that America, collectively expressing spectacular levels of health, will be able to fulfill its calling and purpose as a world leader.

Obama also recommends that every American attends at least one Extreme Makeover event each year. He said he’d like to see more, but to start with he’ll only be mandating attendance at one event/yr. for now. He believes that the 5 essentials (minimizing toxins, maximizing nutrition, maximizing nerve supply, maximizing oxygenation & movement, & maximizing life management) will be the solution that every man, women, child, and baby is looking for. He said he feels so strongly about essential #3 (maximizing nerve supply) that he will be mandating that every hospital has a chiropractor on staff to immediately check all babies following the birthing process. He states that there is nothing more important to the survival of a newborn baby than the health of their upper-cervical area (occiput/atlas). He has stated that science has shown time & again that when a baby can develop without subluxation (neurological disturbance), the healthcare costs are enormous. He has stated that ultimately this “small” investment in time and resources will produce a more productive, efficient, wealthier, and happier society.

Within the new “5 essentials” plan, there are provisions to establish 100 new chiropractic schools each year to handle the revised, estimated number of chiropractors required to serve the country’s needs. Obama projects that an additional 100,000 chiropractors will be needed over the next 5 years in order to effectively serve the public’s needs.

Since the news of Obama’s “essentials” program hit the street, Americans have expressed excitement regarding the prospect of going to a doctor who doesn’t drug them to death, but who looks for the cause of their sickness and disease and knows how to provide the resources that produce health and wellness. The people are excited to learn about things that will get and keep them well like chiropractic adjustments, detoxification, nutrition, fitness, & life-management. The public is certainly demonstrating and voicing that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired and are ready for real doctors, who deliver real results.

Also, Obama has recently made the statement that in light of all of the recent controversy and negative data published, he has insisted that all vaccination programs be eliminated immediately. He has commented that after much personal study and evaluation, the only conclusion he can draw is vaccines are destructive and their poisons upon entering the human blood stream spawn sickness, disease, and in many cases death.”

(My prediction: one day soon, this fantasy will become reality.)


The government has stated that all U.S. citizens must report to our nutrition/label reading/and detox. workshop this Wednesday night at the Lake Mary Events Center @ 7pm. Call the front desk to register: 407-333-2277. This workshop will be critical to understanding how the food manufactures have been poisoning us and our families secretly. Come and learn about the secret chemicals hidden in foods that cause sickness, disease, and early death.


Join Dr. Dan for the weekly call on the Extreme Make Over Conference Line
When: Every Monday for the next 5 Mondays
Time: 1 P.M. to 2 P.M.
Phone: 1-712-432-3900
Enter: 181866 #

Have all of your questions and concerns addressed and answered during this cost-free conference call hour.


Friday, August 7, 2009


Are you ready for the death marches?
Are you ready for the gas chambers?
Are you ready for the systematic murder of millions of babies, children, & adults?
Are you ready for the mass burial graves?

Wait too long to respond and you too will be thrown on the train that will take you to your chemical Auschwitz! Do you want to put your head in the sand & be carted away by the medical Nazis or do you want to be proactive and take the bull by the horns. Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is sickness, disease, and early death.

DATE: August 8th, 2009
Time: 10:00 - 2:00 pm
No Cost
Held at the Gathering Place in Sanford

Speaker Dr. Andrew Moulden:
Dr. Andrew Moulden. BA, MA, MD, PhD holds degrees in Biological Psychology (Bachelors), Child Development (Masters) with thesis in developmental neuropsychology and language development in children. His PhD is in Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, with a sub specialty in Cognitive Neuroscience. His doctoral thesis was in neuro-electrophysiology and Functional Brain Imaging. His PhD comprehensive exams were on acquired brain injuries and post-concussional syndrome. His clinical training has been in psychometric assessment of children (MA), clinical neuropsychology (PhD), neurology (MD - clerkships) and psychiatry (residency - Ottawa/Toronto). His MD was awarded in 2000 from McMaster University, Canada. He was granted the Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada in 2006. He has received over 27 scholarships and awards for academic and research excellence in the brain and behavioral sciences. He has served as the resident editor and Board member for the Ontario and Canadian Psychiatric Associations. He serves on the Board of Directors for the International Association for Biologically Closed Electric Circuits (BCEC) in Medicine and Biology. He is a part-time professor in neurobiology and psychology at Atlantic Baptist University. He is also active in politics, and is the Leader of the Canadian Action Party ( and a resident of Toronto. He is the developer of the BrainGuard, non-invasive, neurovascular imaging protocol, enhanced measurement, imaging and diagnostic tools for neurologists and hematologists.
This historical event will expose the neurological, hematological, and immunological evidence supporting the conclusion that all vaccines carry the risk of major injury leading to chronic diseases and disorders including, but not limited to Autism. The forensic evidence, as he states, is now as easy as "come see for your self." He will explain the mechanism of injury and show evidence that when you "dump" into the blood, it causes Blood Sludging, which can lead to ischemic strokes and many problems plaguing our children. His findings are now in the US Vaccine courts.
You will not want to miss this historical event where the science cannot be denied and the truth about toxic vaccines will be exposed!

Dr. Moulden will cover the physiological and neurological facts about vaccines, the effects they have on blood flow and neurodevelopment, and how they lead to the diseases we're seeing today like autism, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, learning disorders, bi-polar, seizures, and many, many other diseases of the New Millennium.
"Dr. Moulden will cover the care and protocols for effectively allowing victims of these diseases to heal and recover."
His website:
“Are Vaccines Safe?”
It Is Not Possible to Make Informed Decisions without This Information

Mary Tocco - 28 yrs. Independent Vaccine Investigator And Andrew Moulden- MD, PhD Brain Specialist. Topics Covered: Vaccine Ingredients and Production, Natural Immunity, The Autism Vaccine Connection, Vaccines and Micro-Vascular Strokes, Abortion $$ and Vaccines and much more. Scientific, medical documentation based on hard facts. See with your own eyes how babies suffer strokes, after being vaccinated!
Come see what they’re not telling you!For Information and to register call 407-333-2277 or go to

***Lab testing day @ Yachter Family Chiropractic Center from 2-5pm on Saturday, August 8th. Come have your blood tested for metals, neurotoxicity, biotoxicity, hormone imbalances, thyroid dysfunction, heart disease & degenerative disease markers, blood sugar and pre-diabetes markers, as well as vitamin D levels (deficiencies linked to increases in cancer and Multiple Sclerosis). All tests require 12 hour fasting periods prior to blood draw.

When: Every Monday for the next 3 Mondays
Time: 1 P.M. to 2 P.M.
Phone: 1-712-432-3900
Enter: 181866 #
Have all of your questions and concerns addressed and answered during this cost-free conference call hour.