Tuesday, May 27, 2008

When Will It End

When will It end?

According to the journal, BMJ Clinical Evidence, about 2,500 drug treatments offered in conventional medicine produce the following results (including the latest drug killer, Heparin):

1) 13 percent are beneficial to the patient
2) 23 percent maybe beneficial
3) 8 percent is a trade-off between benefits and harm
4) 6 percent are unlikely to be beneficial
5) 4 percent are likely to be ineffective or harmful, and
6) 46 percent have unknown effectiveness.

There is a 64% risk that the drug or the vaccine treatment you or your child receive will cause harm, will be ineffective or may have unknown side-effects, like death.
The leading cause of death in America is not Cancer - It is not Heart Disease -It is not diabetes -
The leading cause of death in America is caused by pharmaceutical drugs poisoning our blood streams.

In actuality, every time you put a medication/vaccination in the human body it will poison and destroy cells and make your body sicker. It is impossible to ever be healthy with toxic drugs circulating through your body. American does not need more medicine. What America needs is more education. Education not medication! Education on where true health and healing come from.
If you want to be healthy, the best way to do it is by living according to Maximized Living principles. The best place to start is by eliminating the biggest interferences to both you and your family to being health and well. The 2 biggest interferences and killers are Medication and subluxation.

The next 6 week extreme makeover will begin on Wednesday, June 7th, @ 7pm in Lake Helen. Call (407-333-2277) or see the front desk to register you and your guests. This is a life-altering event that is designed to show both you and your family how to live a life free of medical tyranny, lies and deception; and how to eliminate deadly drugs and subluxation from your life. Don’t miss this amazing experience. Thousands have already attended this event & have had their lives changed forever!

The future of mothers and children throughout this country is in serious danger. Click on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qble_vQEC7M to see how big Pharma is taken on the most despicable crusade to treat moms and their newborns with deadly potions. URGENT! Sign the petition against the MOTHERS Act at http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/stop-the-dangerous-and-invasive-mothers-act. Visit www.uniteforlife.org
