Saturday, July 26, 2008

You are now entering...The Twilight Zone

Children with a family history of high cholesterol should be screened for high cholesterol and begin more aggressive use of cholesterol-lowering drugs starting as early as age 2 and no later than age 10 in hopes of preventing adult heart problems in middle age, according to an American Academy of Pediatrics report published in Pediatrics. Dr. Jatinder Bhatia, a member of the academy’s nutrition committee who is a professor and chief of neonatology at the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta said that although there was not “a whole lot” of data on pediatric use of cholesterol-lowering drugs, recent research showed that the drugs were generally safe for children.

What are these people smoking? There’s not “a whole lot” of data on use of these drugs in children?…try none! There’s no data!!! I think there’s a whole lot of HOLES in Dr. Bhatia’s head!


Study after study proves high cholesterol is associated with longer life. Mainstream doctors tell us we should try to get our cholesterol below 200. Their advice is absolutely crazy. Among people of all ages, low cholesterol is connected to a higher risk of death from gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases. That discovery came out of 19 studies involving 68,000 people. In one study after another cholesterol drugs fail to save lives:

2 major studies show Lipitor reduces your bad cholesterol by a huge amount but it doesn’t reduce your risk of death at all. In fact, you just die with lower cholesterol.
Crestor dramatically reduces cholesterol but saves no lives compared to patients on a placebo.
Pravechol saves no lives compared to a placebo…and could even increase your chances of cancer.
Zocor reduces your mortality risk less than 2%
A meta-analysis of 4 major statin drug trials showed no difference in the risk of death compared to placebo groups.

And at one point, the fine print on Lipitor ads actually said, “Lipitor has not been shown to prevent heart disease or heart attacks.

In 1987, the National Cancer Institute backed a big study of 12,488 men and women. They found that men with the lowest cholesterol levels were more likely to get cancer than those with the highest levels.

An article in the European Heart Journal confirms that low cholesterol is dangerous to your health. Examining 11,500 patients, they found those with cholesterol below 160 were more than twice as likely to die than those with high cholesterol.

Yet the cholesterol lowering business is a $20 billion/year industry!

Why do doctors keep prescribing these drugs? They pretty much practice in fear. They blindly follow the pharmaceutical reps. and the fake & fraudulent research they are producing by paying off big name research PhDs at your local Ivy League university. If the doctors decide not to play ball and forgo the drug treatment, Big Pharma has a nasty habit of going after them & taking away their licenses. Your doctor does not have the time to read even a fraction of the research on heart disease and artery disease and the real causes. And most of what your doctor read is given to them by the pharmaceutical companies anyway. Would you agree that there exists a slight conflict of interest here?

What’s “normal” cholesterol?

“It’s whatever you’re doctor and the pharmaceutical companies making the cholesterol lowering drugs say it is! When they first launched the cholesterol scare, Big Pharma declared that anyone with cholesterol higher than 240 was at risk. This is nonsense—if there’s no connection between cholesterol and heart disease. But how did they come up with the number 240? Well…They pulled it out of thin air. There’s nothing special about 240. The significance of 240 is that as many as one adult out of 4 has cholesterol higher than 240. They probably just chose that number so they could “treat” 25% of us for a disease that might not even be a disease. And now they’ve changed the cutoff. Now they say you should get your cholesterol below 200! That way, they can claim HALF OF US ARE SICK AND NEED DRUGS. This is a complete scam and nothing else.” William Campbell Douglas II, M.D.

Clearly, the cholesterol theory of heart and artery disease is a SCAM!

Cholesterol lowering drugs (statins) may actually weaken your heart! We know for a fact that statin drugs reduce your level of CoQ10. Your liver manufactures CoQ10 right along with cholesterol, and the way the drugs work is to prevent your liver from making cholesterol. While the drugs keep your liver from making cholesterol, they also keep it from making CoQ10. That’s a potential health disaster, because our heart essentially runs off of CoQ10. A deficiency will weaken the heart and may cause congestive heart failure.

If you know anybody taking these potentially deadly heart medications, then it is your moral and ethical responsibility to let them know about the above information as well as the nerve system and its key involvement in balancing the body NATURALLY---with NO SIDE EFFECTS.

Monday, July 14th. is our Summer Patient Appreciation Day. Send all of your loved ones in to have their nerve systems evaluated at our expense. Also, sign up for our pH balancing/ alkalizing/ high energy workshop being held this Monday night (7/14) at 7pm @ YFCC.

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