Monday, August 18, 2008



"Whole nations will be deceived by the medicines of Satan." ----Rev. 18:23

"The necessity of teaching mankind not to take drugs and medicines is a duty incumbent upon all who know their uncertainty and injurious effects; and the time is not far distant when the drug system will be abandoned."
Charles Armbruster, M. D.

"If all the medicine in the world were thrown into the sea, it would be bad for the fish and good for humanity"
O.W. Holmes, (Prof. of Med. Harvard University)

"The machinery looks good, the technology seems nice, the stainless steel is shiny, everything smells like isopropyl alcohol; I mean they are the greatest salesmen in the world. We're going to go look back at this century and we're going to laugh eventually, but we'll cry first. This is one of the most barbaric periods. It's going to be called the Dark Ages of Medicine."---
Dr Shulze (The Sam Biser Herbal Video Collection p198)

Drug companies do not look for "cause." The drug company business model is based on "sustainability." Rather than find a cause and cure, patients are simply sustained. There is not a single prescription drug that offers a "cure" to any ailment. Curing a disease versus treating its symptoms does not make "business sense" to drug companies. Just like government can only profit from criminals, the drug industry only makes money from sick people - sick people with insurance. This business model enables drug companies to make huge profits and guarantees dependency among users. This dependency allows drug companies to pay for Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) advertising, drug trials, university research, government lobbying, and "ghost writers." Combined, these strategies are used to deceive the general public as well as medical doctors. To further increase profit, drug companies invent disease and subsequently, offer a solution. Herein lies the origin of deadly health myths. Such myths include, but are surely not limited to, that of high cholesterol being the culprit of heart disease, insulin being the only treatment for diabetics and that AIDS, rather than starvation, is killing Africans. Through "junk science" and "ghost writing," the general public and some of the world's most respected health experts have fallen victim to these myths. Inventing disease is not a "far out" conspiracy theory. It is a simple matter of finding ailments that naturally occur due to poor lifestyle habits and labeling them as a disease. Once "big-pharma" steals jurisdiction over the general public's common sense, they convince them of the necessity of their drugs. [2006] Interview of Shane Ellison author of Health Myths Exposed

"The pharmaceutical "business with disease" is the largest deception and fraud business in human history. The product "health" promised by drug companies is not delivered to millions of patients. Instead, the "products" most often delivered are the opposite: new diseases and frequently, death."--
Dr Rath MD

"In the last century the practice of medicine has become no more than an adjunct to the pharmaceutical industry and the other aspects of the huge, powerful and immensely profitable health care industry. Medicine is no longer an independent profession. Doctors have become nothing more than a link connecting the pharmaceutical industry to the consumer."----
Dr Vernon Coleman

"Most patients probably assume that when a doctor proposes to use an established treatment to conquer a disease he will be using a treatment which has been tested, examined and proven. But this is not the case. The savage truth is that most medical research is organized, paid for, commissioned or subsidized by the drug industry (and the food, tobacco and alcohol industries). This type of research is designed, quite simply, to find evidence showing a new product is of commercial value. The companies which commission such research are not terribly bothered about evidence; what they are looking for are conclusions which will enable them to sell their product. Drug company sponsored research is done more to get good reviews than to find out the truth."----
Dr Vernon Coleman

"As a retired physician, I can honestly say that unless you are in a serious accident, your best chance of living to a ripe old age is to avoid doctors and hospitals and learn nutrition and other forms of natural medicine unless you are fortunate enough to have a Maximized Living Chiropractor (emphasis mine) available. Almost all drugs are toxic and are designed only to treat symptoms and not to cure anyone. Vaccines are highly dangerous, have never been adequately studied or proven to be effective, and have a poor risk/reward ratio. Most surgery is unnecessary and most textbooks of medicine are inaccurate and deceptive. Almost every disease is said to be idiopathic (without known cause) or genetic - although this is untrue. In short, our main stream medical system is hopelessly inept and/or corrupt. The treatment of cancer and degenerative diseases is a national scandal. The sooner you learn this, the better off you will be."----
Dr. Allan Greenberg 12/24/2002

"Antidepressants are the biggest fraud in the world. I look at the pharmaceutical companies as the drug barons, the psychopharmcologists as the mules and the patients as the victims. They're innocent because they think they're being cured."
--Robert Evans, film producer (Observer Magazine 22 sept 2002)

"Now, if doctors were aware that medicine was not a science and that they were pulling what is undoubtedly the largest and most successful confidence trick ever tried the damage would be fairly minimal. But the problem is compounded by the fact that the vast majority of doctors believe the lie that they are taught; they believe that they are scientists, practicing an applied science."----Dr Vernon Coleman

"Drugs never cure disease. They merely hush the voice of nature's protest, and pull down the danger signals she erects along the pathway of transgression. Any poison taken into the system has to be reckoned with later on even though it palliates present symptoms. Pain may disappear, but the patient is left in a worse condition, though unconscious of it at the time."~
Daniel. H. Kress, M.D.

"The greatest part of all chronic disease is created by the suppression of acute disease by drug poisoning."
Henry Lindlahr, M.D.
"The person who takes medicine must recover twice, once from the disease and once from the medicine."
William Osler, M.D.

More healing results from YFCC
Dr. Dan!
It was December 2001 when we began seeing you. Hannah was 5 months and Emma had just turned 3. This is when I woke up one morning with pain in all of my joints and swelling all over my body. I went to the emergency room and the doctor ran tests - which I didn't even know what he was checking for - and he told me that all of the tests came back negative, but we wouldn't know about the rheumatoid arthritis for a few days. He advised me to see a rheumatologist. The Rheumatologist I saw ran his own tests and told me that my blood work was perfect, probably better than his own blood except that my ANA levels were off the charts - 1:1280 and they should be 1:45 or 1:70 (or something like that). When I asked for an explanation as to what is ANA, he said that it was too difficult to explain but that it indicates an auto-immune disease. He guessed that I probably had RH or Lupus or Scleroderma or maybe all of the above. He said that he can't specifically diagnose me because none of my internal organs have been affected. When I asked what I or we should do now, he said that there was nothing to do, these things are chronic and degenerative and when one or more of my internal organs are affected, then he could make a diagnosis.

You may remember that when I told you this you told me not to accept any of this as truth for me (which I haven't and continue not to) and advised me to see you 3 times a week for adjustments and change my diet to no dairy, red meat, sugar, wheat and to exercise; which I began to do - even as exhausted as I was with a new baby and a toddler. It took a while, about 2 - 2 1/2 years, & then I visited another rheumatologist (I fired the first one) and my blood tests came back with normal levels of ANA- 1:60. I began to cheer in the office and almost jumped up and down and I would have hugged the guy, but he sat motionless and emotionless and said, "Sometimes these things can fluctuate. I am going to refer you to the Mayo Clinic." Unbelievable!

I know that I didn't need to go to the Mayo Clinic, but just to prove a point, I did. The doctor there mocked the tests that showed 1:1280 for two years and then about 4 months after the last high ANA, there was the one test that showed 1:60. I said, "But there are two more tests spanning about 8 months showing normal ANA." He scoffed again and said, "We'll do our own tests." He did and guess what, they were also normal. He decided to diagnose me with scleroderma anyway and said that I must be in the 2 percent with auto immune and normal ANA. He decided on the scleroderma because I have Raynaud's Phenomena and because he found that my esophagus is not moving the food down the way it should. When I asked what this means for me - I wondered exactly what would he be waiting for. He said that one day I may be eating and I may go to swallow and the food will get stuck and will not be able to go either way and then I would have to go to the ER and they would have to widen the esophagus and then it could possibly happen again at a later date. Then he prescribed one of the drugs for acid reflux. I said that I don't like to take drugs, and asked for an alternative. He said that there was no alternative. I also told him that I disagreed with his diagnosis. Further, I told him that the exact scenario he just described about what could happen to my esophagus just happened to my sister (11 years my senior) and asked if he had any thoughts on that. He just thought that was interesting.

I no longer have a need to see any rheumotologist. I see a dermatologist every six months because I had melanoma 11 years ago. Initially, he accepted the diagnosis from the Mayo Clinic Dr. but now he disregards it and feels it was misdiagnosed! The really good news is that my little girls are soooo healthy! I don't even remember the last time I took them to the pediatrician. I remember one time, a while ago, I brought Emma, I think for a check up I had to pay $10 for them to get her records out of archives - sounds like a hoax to me. Emma rides horses and every now and then she takes a fall but since we see you regularly, I don't worry about it.
Thank you,

What is the medical solution to any problem? What do they do if you have heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, depression, obesity, anxiety, fatigue, chronic pain, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, decreased sex drive, decreased fertility, indigestion, accelerated aging, ADHD, or high cholesterol? There are 2 solutions they are trained to offer (DRUGS AND SURGERY) and worse, they are brainwashed into believing that any other solutions are unscientific and won’t work. Solutions like chiropractic!

Medical care should be used for what it is best at: emergency/urgent/crisis intervention which, nobody can argue, in most cases saves lives. At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is results. Are patients getting well? Are they living healthy, drug-free abundant lives? Are they learning how to make the right lifestyle choices? Is their doctor IDENTIFYING the cause of their problem? Is their doctor correcting the cause of their problem? Is their doctor eliminating interference to the full expression of life force and healing potential in their body?
Go to to learn how another YFCC patient has come off her blood pressure medications through choosing healthier lifestyle habits & having interference removed from her nerve system ( ***Monday, August 11th is our Back-to-School Patient Appreciation Day. You know people that are sick, suffering or just want to stay healthy. Why are you waiting to tell them about the office? Send all of your friends and loved ones to the office to have their nerve systems evaluated…and to help keep them out of the deadly American Healthcare System. Please have them call 407-333-2277 or visit the front desk to sign-up for their appointment. Their visit will be at no cost!

You send ‘em, we’ll save ‘em