Monday, April 27, 2009

Anti-Aging 101

Almost everybody I know is looking for the proverbial fountain of youth. If only they could discover that magic elixir that will keep them young forever. The good news is that there are Anti-aging strategies more effective than any vitamin, mineral, plant, herb, or facial cream. Unfortunately, these strategies are in fact the best kept secrets on the planet. Fortunately, they are just beginning to be exposed on a global level. And best of all, this most powerful anti-aging and longevity technology is available right under your nose at Yachter Family Chiropractic Center.

We all know that the nerve system controls, regulates, and governs every aspect of health and function. If vertebrae in the spine misalign and interfere with the brain stem, spinal cord, and spinal nerves, they will block proper communication via electrical impulses to all organs & tissues of the body (SUBLUXATION). This electrical short circuiting has absolutely devastating effects on the human body. The organs will get sick, diseased, and the body will age rapidly. If you want to stay young, healthy, and vibrant, then you must absolutely keep the nerve system in excellent condition.

In his book Rejuvenation Strategy, Dr. Rene Cailliet, director of the department of physical medicine and rehabilitation at the University of Southern California, wrote this description of forward head syndrome:

1. Incorrect head position leads to improper spinal function. [a form of vertebral subluxation.]
2. The head in forward posture can add up to thirty pounds of abnormal leverage on the cervical spine.
3. Forward head posture results in loss of vital capacity. Lung capacity is depleted by as much as 30 percent. Loss of lung capacity leads to heart and blood vascular problems.
4. The entire gastrointestinal system is affected, particularly the large intestine. Loss of good bowel peristaltic function and evacuation is common to forward head posture and loss of spinal curve.
5. Forward head posture causes an increase in discomfort and pain. Freedom of motion in the first four cervical vertebrae is a major source of stimuli that causes production of endorphins. As a result of this loss of endorphins (hormones that reduce pain and affect emotions), many otherwise non-painful sensations are experienced as pain.
6. Forward head posture causes loss of healthy spine-body motion. The entire body becomes rigid as the range of motion becomes diminished; the person’s body becomes hunched.
Motion is life. Lose motion, lose life!

Posture affects and moderates every physical and mental function in the body. Spinal pain, blood pressure, headaches, pulse, lung capacity, AGING, and mood are only a small portion of the body’s functions that are most easily influenced by posture.

Look well to the spine as the cause of disease.
—Hippocrates, the Father of Modern Medicine


1. Wobble chair and neck traction: Nutrients essential to the brain for survival—such as oxygen, glucose, and others—are transported from the body to the brain through the fluid that flows inside your spinal canal. This fluid is called the cerebrospinal (brain-spine) fluid or CSF. This fluid gets from the spine to brain with the use of a CSF pump. This CSF pump doesn’t use electricity. The power for the pump is generated by movement of the sacrum (lower spine) and the cervical spine (upper spine). In order for the CSF pump to move effectively, you need a healthy spinal column. Irregular or reduced motion of the sacrum and/or cervical spine due to vertebral subluxation in either of those areas will lead to abnormal and reduced flow of oxygen, glucose, and other important nutrients to the brain. The neck traction and wobble chair help with both spinal movement and nutrient flow to the brain (brain/body anti-aging).

2. Head weights: weights used to correct the position of the skull (eliminate forward-head posture) and restore or increase the curves in the neck (Arc of Life).

Vibe plate(new addition to YFCC): By standing on the plate, the vibration generates systematic involuntary muscle contraction throughout the body, which not only increases your flexibility but also burns fat by increasing your metabolism while it improves your circulation and provides your cells with ideal oxygen and nutrient delivery to slow the degenerative/AGING process.
Other benefits of the vibe plate:
• Muscle Strength, Tone, and Endurance
• Improve Range of Motion in 10 Seconds
• Correct Loss of Cervical Curve
• Improve Posture, Coordination and Balance
• Increase Growth Hormone (GH) 361% Anti-Aging Hormone
• Increase Testosterone-Increase Libido and Energy
• Increase Immune Function
• Decrease Pain and Inflammation (82% experienced pain relief)
• Reduce Scoliosis
• Accelerates weight loss
• Improves deep intrinsic spinal muscle responses promoting spinal stability which is a must for individuals suffering from pain due to surgery and chronic spinal instability.
• Dampens chronic pain including arthritic pain, frozen shoulder, compartment syndrome, chronic back pain, pain due to failed back surgery, etc.
• Aid in detoxification and removal of wastes from the body
• Improves Function, and Function = Health
• Increase Bone Density (increases by 34% over one year)
• Decreases Osteoporosis
• Increase healing of fractures, strains, and sprains
• Regenerate Tissue and Decrease Scar Tissue
• Reduces arthritic pain, joint, and ligament stress
• Enhances critical blood flow in the body (oxygenation and lymph drainage)
• Improved pelvic floor function
• Relieves menopausal symptoms
• Increases serotonin (the "happiness" hormone)
• Improves neurocognition and neuroadaptation – extremely important with patients suffering neurodegenerative disease and traumatic injury.
• Enhances explosive strength and fast twitch muscles
• Speeds training recovery
• Reduces appearance of cellulite
• Tightens Facial Muscles

Upcoming events:
Alkaline by design nutrition workshop Monday, May 11th, 7pm, @ the Lake Mary Events Center: come learn about the pH healing miracle anti-aging lifestyle. Also, May 4th, you’re invited to our community appreciation dinner at the Lake Mary Events Center, 7pm (*must bring @ least 1 guest). Back by popular demand: Wednesday night, May 20th @ 7pm, our supplement/nutrition workshop held @ YFCC. Get registered at the front desk NOW!