Monday, December 14, 2009

Are you ready to ascend in 2010?

***How the Extreme Makeover(s) Has (Have) Changed My Life

When I first started coming to Yachter Family Chiropractic Center, my interest was primarily to reclaim my “Arc of Life” which had pretty much disappeared after a whiplash injury from a motor vehicle accident almost 20 years ago. I was happy just to come in and get my chiropractic adjustments, have my subluxations removed, and sometimes do the exercises. I was feeling better than I had in years simply with the pain relief I experienced in my neck, back, and shoulders. Then I started attending the free educational seminars so kindly offered to all of Dr. Dan’s patients, families, and friends. I started learning new and interesting (and sometimes shocking) information regarding the importance of proper hydration, good supplementation, increasing alkalinity, exercise, and what good nutrition actually is. I waited for an Extreme Makeover event, which I had heard was a pretty amazing and motivating experience for a lot of patients. I started annoying and, I think, scaring, some of my family and friends as I often talked about all the things I was learning, what’s bad for us and what can help us be more healthy. But, I kept on talking; and making a few small changes here and there. It was very interesting stuff.

Finally, an Extreme Makeover was offered, and I attended most of the sessions; and began to learn even more. I caught the excitement of Dr. Dan and the crowd. I started drinking more water. I started sprouting almonds, and liked them. I attended parts of another Extreme Makeover, and started eating more vegetables and using sea salt. I attended most of another and started trying to shop more organically largely from Whole Foods, heavily utilizing their fresh prepared foods section, because I don’t cook much. I stopped needing to use Celebrex, which I had used for at least ten years. I signed up with Triumvirate, which I can tell you, is really spot-on with the services they provide. And I kept telling my friends about all of the new and amazing things I continued to learn. My morning coffee break conversation was constantly peppered with “guess what I learned at my chiropractor’s?” and “my chiropractor said…”

I attended another Extreme Makeover, and decided I was ready to get serious. I work in a hospital and made a commitment to take the stairs every time I descend floors, since I have problems with my knees and going up can be painful. I use the Xiser, even though I am not sure I am doing the bursts exactly right, but I’m not letting that stop me. I am taking more walks, breaking out my little dumbbells, and using my Lifestyle Family Fitness personal training sessions to learn better how to exercise at home. I’ve started cooking again after a 15 year hiatus. Because my work and schedule don’t allow for planning my shopping and food prep, I’m doing the best I can; and actually beginning to find that I, surprisingly, do have more time to do this than I thought. I’m still working on strategies for eating better when I travel, of which I do a lot, but Dr. Fernandez at the office is helping me with that. I’m having Vega for breakfast and using several of the office supplements which were recommended for me. I have finally worked my way up to drinking almost half my body weight in ounces of water. I’ve given up coffee, though I still love the smell and the fellowship around the break room table. I declined the very heavily promoted annual flu vaccination for the first time since working in a medical environment, as well as the H1N1 vaccination. My Visual Acuity Score, coupled with some recommended blood work, indicated some possible heavy metal exposure, so I am having testing for that, and Triumvirate is scheduling extraction of my silver/mercury fillings (Rick and Adam are also helping to keep me on track as I am working on retirement and estate planning, which I had severely neglected previously and was causing me significant anxiety). Right now I am eating Cocommune PaleoBars regularly as a snack instead of something out of the vending machines. I’m not a hundred percent off sugar, but I am getting there. It is surprising to me how the craving for sugar lessens over time. And as of today, I’ve gone down a pant size during this EMO.

I continue to pester my family and friends with all of the new things I am learning, but I am starting to see small changes in them as well. My daughter and son-in-law, as well as a coworker, are starting to use sea salt. My brother actually listened and asked questions this weekend as I explained why corn and white potatoes, the only vegetables he likes, are harmful for him. He expressed a reluctant (but hey, I’ll take what I can get) willingness to try mashed cauliflower in place of mashed potatoes, so we are planning to try that soon. Another coworker was impressed enough with my information tidbits, and watching my gradual lifestyle changes and pants-size-dropping, that she said she wants to come to the next Extreme Makeover with me.

Yes, I need to continue to work at this, to persist in solidifying and expanding on the good habits I have been acquiring. My story is not as dramatic as some: I did not lose thirty pounds, go off all my medications and have all my family and friends start chiropractic care. I still have weight to lose and medicines to discontinue as I continue to pursue better health. I still have friends and family yet to convince to try many of the lifestyle changes I am embracing. But as they say, slow and steady finishes the race, and that is my intent. I am thankful to have a doctor with such a well-rounded practice who is so committed to his practice and his patients that he never gives up on us. He runs with us, shops with us, and constantly offers the same basic life-altering content in ever fresh and fun ways so that over time we can finally “get it”. I think I’ve almost got it! And it’s good.

Next Event: Healthy Tips for the Holidays BE THERE!

Friday, December 18TH at 3pm @ YFCC: Healthy Tips for the Holidays. Subject to be covered:

· How to prepare a healthy Christmas dinner

· Learn the 7 steps to maintaining your health during the holidays

· Avoiding the diet conflict

· Healthy Christmas Snacks Included

· Price: $10.00

· Learn how to avoid the holiday sugar/acid trap and sail through into 2010 feeling great, energized, and vitalized. Don’t let the holidays destroy all of the hard work that you’ve invested in yourself and your health during 2009. Let us help you protect your most precious asset: your health and well-being!

Also, remember to come to our run/walk club every Saturday at Panera Bread (Lake Mary) @ 6:45am. Call the office at 407-333-2277 for more details.

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