Monday, January 11, 2010

Time management does not work!

You have to be the master and not the slave to time and understand that real time management is not about TIME or MANAGEMENT. It is really about your goals and dreams and your own determination to have clear plans and clear boundaries. And when you have the skill of awareness that you really are the leader and captain of your own ship and that the core of great time management is just the clarity of goal setting, you’ll find that this realization will give you a whole new solid foundation and focus. Our January 18th workshop, “We will ascend in 2010” will show you how to set goals that will allow you to soar like an eagle all year long.


1. Lack of clarity

2. Fear of change

3. Lack of accountability/negative consequences

1. Clarity: Write down your goal in specific detail. Make sure to state it clearly in the present tense. Thoughts take on added power when we write them down, but we must write them down in specific ways if we want them to manifest as real in our lives. For example, I write my goals as if they have already occurred. “I am working out with a personal trainer 2 times/week at 5am, weighing 170 lbs., 7% body fat, with a BMI of 21. Make sure to sign your name to your declaration and post it where you can see it every day. Also, post it where everyone else in your home can see it every day. That will really create some serious social pressure to see the process through. I like to also declare my goals and dreams in front of my patients. At one workshop over a year ago I declared that I would be fluent in Spanish by 2010. Patients continue to remind me of my commitment 1 year later. The pressure is on and I will accomplish my bilingual goal.

2. Fear: We need to eliminate anything that is in our environment that would remind us of how comfortable we were in our old state. We need to have visual and audible representations in our new environment representing a new season and a new direction in our lives. New conscious and subconscious programming must take place. We must begin to feed our minds a steady diet of positive and reinforcing images. We must get around people who’ll support and encourage our new direction. We must get around encouragers. We must get around friends and family who tell us, “Yes, it’s possible for you to change!” If we don’t redesign our environment to support our new direction, then the fear of change and the comfort of the old will always draw us back into our old, “pre-resolution” lives.

3. Accountability/negative consequences: Sorry, sheer willpower and desire won’t cut it. I struggle as much with disciplining my life as the next person. I find that the only way to achieve successful follow-through on goals, plans, and visions is accountability. There must be something or somebody to whom you must answer. There must be a negative consequence to you not doing what you said you’d do. There must be pain associated or connected to you not following through. You must have the realization that if you don’t show up, follow-through, or achieve your plan, your character, integrity, trust, or reputation will be tarnished or seriously damaged. There’s got to be a price to pay. The higher the price, the higher the chance of success! Tell a friend that if you don’t achieve the goal that you set, that you will give them $100, $500, or even $5,000. You pick the dollar amount. The only caution: the loss of the money must to be more PAINFUL than the disappointment of not following through.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR! ATTEND THE GREATEST WORKSHOP OF 2010: “HOW TO ASCEND IN 2010” to be held Monday night, January 18th at 7pm @ the Lake Mary Events Center. Invite all of your friends and family to join you at the event that will kick-off the next decade as well as the greatest year ever. At this workshop you’ll learn the goal planning ideas, success and life strategies, and the ‘visioneering’ skills of the top performers in every walk of life. Don’t miss the most important workshop of the year. This workshop will arm you with the tools and resources that’ll enable you to soar like an eagle in 2010. Together, we’ll soar like eagles in 2010 and work to achieve all of the dreams and visions that God has placed in our hearts.