Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Carol's Testimonial


Congratulations to all current Extreme Makeover participants. I am very proud of you! You are a huge winner if you’ve made it this far. There are still 2 more weeks left, but you have already gained a major victory by sticking it out for 4 weeks. Very few individuals are capable of the commitment you have made to God, yourself, and your family. Thank You!
Below is inspiration from a patient who has attended over 5 Extreme Makeovers to date:

Testimonial from Carol C.

Harry S. Truman once said, “It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.” Well, I thought I had already learned all I needed to know from the past 2 EMO’s that I attended but decided I would participate in this one to hear the new information that was being promoted. I learned more than I ever wanted to know and find it totally amazing that I’m still alive and in good health after 50 years of chemicals, mercury fillings, and processed foods. Ignorance is bliss, but now that I know better, I must make changes in my life if I want to live longer than my parents, who died at 70 (Dad) and 71 (Mom). The past 5 weeks flew by and I only just started the Healing Diet in week 4. I think my brain was still trying to process all the information that it was absorbing. The twinkie demonstration will stay in my memory forever! My body may not have changed in appearance the way I’d like it to, but it’s the “stuff” that’s not seen that has undergone a transformation. I have my carotid arteries checked every 2 years by ultrasound for my own peace of mind since I don’t want to end up in a wheelchair from strokes like my twin brother. Anyway, 2 years ago they showed “mild” plaque build-up. The results of the ultrasound I took 3 weeks ago showed no plaque at all so I know I’m going in the right direction. I intend to continue this lifestyle forever even though it’s made me an outcast among friends and family who think I’m crazy. I do try my hardest to educate them so they’ll understand why I do what I do (chiropractic adjustments, exercise, supplements and proper nutrition).
Thanks so much to Dr. Dan and his staff for their outstanding dedication and passion for bringing the Maximized Living lifestyle to this community.

“It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.”

Edmund Hillary

Mark your calendar!

Pot Luck Dinner/ Recipe Night: Monday, November, 24th @ 7pm at the Lake Mary Events Center/Banquet Hall. Come learn how to create healthy yet incredibly tasty food. Eating well doesn’t require deprivation. Becoming and staying healthy doesn’t require starvation. Come out to learn how enjoyable living a MAXIMIZED LIVING LIFESTYLE can be!

Saturday, December 6, come join us, as the patients of Yachter Family Chiropractic Center participate in the OUC 5K run/walk event in downtown Orlando/Lake Eola area. Go to Trackshack.com to register. Come to our run/walk club every Saturday at Panera Bread (Lake Mary) @ 6:45am. to prepare for the event with our team. Call the office at 407-333-2277 for more details.