Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Remember Why

The holiday season is the time when most people forget about their life responsibilities, especially their commitment to their health. The reasons our patients forget about their health and lose focus on their chiropractic adjustment schedule are numerous. The following list contains the most common ones:

The top 10 excuses for why patients forget about their adjustments during the holidays

10. My family is in town and they’re allergic to chiropractors
9. I got stuck at the mall taking pictures with Santa
8. I got stuck in the chimney practicing my Santa routine
7. I was playing in the snow (this one doesn’t work so well in Orlando).
6. Elves stole my car and went for a joy ride.
5. I thought you guys were closed until 2009?
4. It was that serotonin turkey thing.
3. I thought Dr. Dan said to me during the last visit to the office that I could take the rest of the year off.
2. Too much eggnog.
1. My great uncle visiting from New York told me that I only need to go to the chiropractor every 6 months; his friend who used to go to a chiropractor in the 1940’s told him that!
Remember why you started on your journey of living a Maximized Living Lifestyle. Remember you originally made a strong commitment to your health and making all of your required visits at Yachter Family Chiropractic Center.

Remember that the nerve system is the master control center. When your nerve system is functioning properly, your body knows how to heal, regulate, and adapt appropriately to the many external stresses of everyday life, while allowing you to reach your God-given potential.
Remember that subluxation is the enemy of the nerve system. Various stresses cause subluxation, which disturb communication within the nerve system, resulting in abnormal function, sickness, disease, and early death.

Remember that over 90% of the time pressure on nerves or the spinal cord (subluxtion) exists without pain.

Remember that during the holidays there is more stress than any other time of year. There is more bad eating, caffeine, shopping stress, family stress, money stress, more sugar, artificial sweeteners, alcohol consumption, inactivity, and great uncles visiting from New York, all contributing to the creation of large amounts of subluxation.

Remember that the increased amounts of subluxation caused by holiday stress require a larger than normal amount of adjustments. In other words, YOU NEED TO BE ADJUSTED MORE DURING THE HOLIDAYS.

God’s greatest holiday gift is you! Your life and health are a gift from Him; what you do with your life and health is your gift back to Him. Remember to Honor God with your Body and to make Him proud as you enter 2009.

Mark your calendar!

Pot Luck Dinner/ Recipe Night: Monday, November, 24th @ 7pm at the Lake Mary Events Center/Banquet Hall. Come learn how to create healthy yet incredibly tasty food. Eating well doesn’t require deprivation. Becoming and staying healthy doesn’t require starvation. Come out to learn how enjoyable living a MAXIMIZED LIVING LIFESTYLE can be!

Saturday, December 6, come join us, as the patients of Yachter Family Chiropractic Center participate in the OUC 5K run/walk event in downtown Orlando/Lake Eola area. Go to Trackshack.com to register. Come to our run/walk club every Saturday at Panera Bread (Lake Mary) @ 6:45am. to prepare for the event with our team. Call the office at 407-333-2277 for more details.

Go to YACHTERHEALTH.COM to learn about the amazing healings that are taking place at Yachter Family Chiropractic Center