Monday, September 21, 2009


Russell Conwell helped to transform a night school in a church basement in Philadelphia into Temple University. He did it by retelling a story that was told to him while in a camel caravan in Mesopotamia. It was a story about Al Hafed, a very wealthy farmer in ancient Persia. Al Hafed was living his dream life until one day a Buddhist priest visited him and during their conversation told him how the world was formed. The old priest also told Al Hafed about diamonds and that if he had a handful of diamonds he could purchase a whole country. With a mine of diamonds he could place his children upon thrones through the influence of their great wealth.

That night Al Hafed went to bed a poor man -- not that he had lost anything. He was poor because he was discontented and discontented because he thought he was poor. After a sleepless night, he arose early the next morning and told the priest of his desire to be immensely rich. After a lengthy conversation the priest told him that he would find diamonds in a river that runs over white sand between high mountains. Al Hafed sold his farm, collected his money, left his family in the charge of a neighbor, and began his search for diamonds.

After years of exhaustive search throughout Palestine and across Europe, penniless, ragged and wretched, he threw himself into the incoming tide off the coast of Spain never to rise again.

In the meantime, back at the farm, Al Hafed’s successor, while giving his camel a drink from the stream that ran through the property, found a black stone with an eye of light that reflected all the colors of the rainbow. The stone turned out to be a diamond. And so were discovered the diamond mines of Golconda, the most magnificent diamond mines in the history of mankind; exceeding the Kimberley mines in value. Had Al Hafed remained at home and in his own garden, instead of wretchedness, starvation, poverty and death in a strange land, he would have had "acres of diamonds.” Every shovelful of that old farm has since revealed the gems which have decorated the crowns of monarchs. The most amazing and tragic element of this story is the fact that we have so many modern day Al Hafeds wandering around looking for their acres of diamond everywhere except in the backyard of their own mind.

Change your Perspective

One of the valuable lessons taught by this incredible story is one of perspective. How do you see your EXPERIENCE at Yachter Family Chiropractic Center? The gem stones are the perspectives you develop over time as a result of seeing YOUR world more clearly. When you see yourself more clearly, you see yourself as someone who is valuable and has limitless healing and life potential. As we say at the office, NO LIMITS. This attitude of believing and desiring for the best outcomes and the highest level of healing are all reflected in your actions. This positive perspective also motivates you and compels you to act with a clearly defined purpose; a purpose of accomplishing the goals of our best healing recommendations for you and your family.

Opportunities are dressed in work clothes

Your greatest opportunities lie under your own feet. They lie in your ability and willingness to commit to the resources and knowledge that are offered at Yachter Family Chiropractic Center. The challenge is that in the rough, a diamond does not look like a diamond that we are familiar with. It looks like a black, rough piece of rock and must be cut, shaped and polished repeatedly before it glistens like the valuable stone that it is.

The Al Hafed patients in our practice are waiting around for their healing to turn up. They are looking for the easy way out; missing weekly scheduled chiropractic adjustments, skipping out on doing their exercises, not attending invaluable workshops and Extreme Makeover events, making every excuse possible not to attend our “6:45am” life-transforming run/walk club on Saturdays, or thinking that we’re trying to sell them products when we’re trying to provide them with life-saving and transforming nutritional resources. They fail to realize that their acres of diamonds represent an opportunity for them to learn and work hard to achieve and reap a life-long level of superior health and wellness; so they can enjoy the life that God created for them and reach their divine destiny.

Keep on keeping on! You’re getting closer every day!

Learn How Mike Discovered and Mined His Acres of Diamonds

Listen to Mike’s story of how he is beating cancer through living a Chiropractic lifestyle. Click on or paste the link below and watch Mike tell his story

**Remember: Fitness workshop @ the Lake Mary Events Center Monday, Sept. 21st at 7pm. Bring all of your friends and family and let them hear how exercise combined with the principle of chiropractic can radically transform their health and life. Please bring a minimum of 4 guests.