Monday, October 26, 2009

Did you miss it?

As I near the completion of yet another Extreme Makeover, it’s time to reflect on where I started, where I am now and where I want to be in the future. Well, it all started back on a November afternoon in 1956. I was born a twin weighing 2 lbs, 3 oz. and given less than an hour to live. Oh, that’s too far back!
I will backtrack five years to the point in my life where I had my gall bladder removed and four months later, my thyroid. At 47, I felt like I was OLD and spent much of the next year trying to figure out how to change my life. Fortunately, I found Dr. Dan and YFCC. Almost immediately, my migraine headaches stopped and other various ailments gradually disappeared. I never missed my adjustments and did my exercises, but something was still missing. When I signed up for my first Extreme Makeover, I realized what it was. It was time to take control of my life even more and learn all I could. That’s why I keep attending these events; so that I can educate myself to live a longer life than my parents – Mom died at 71 and Dad, 11 months later, at 70 years old. I also don’t want to end up in an Assisted Living Facility like my twin brother or take medications like my sister. Attending these Extreme Makeovers are my lifeline.
This particular EMO has been the most enjoyable, and when you participate and have fun, you retain more of the life-saving information that’s given out each week. At the beginning of the EMO, I weighed in at 174 pounds, which was bad enough, but the real shocker was my body fat percentage. I was 43.8% FAT and my BMI showed I was obese. This was totally not acceptable. It’s amazing how your eyes get opened when you see the numbers on paper. How did I let myself get like this again? I knew I had to put in the time to really do it right, and permanently this time. I took advantage of the special pricing afforded the members of the EMO and joined Lifestyle Family Fitness. My main purpose was for resistance/weight training. I knew I had the cardiovascular exercise covered since I walk, run, and ride my bike. I’ve been averaging at least 48 miles per week with my bike group and participate in the YFCC Run/Walk Club on Saturday mornings. The weight training has been challenging, but I’m seeing results already. According to the Tanita measurements, I’ve reduced my body fat and plan to keep going with this program until I get down to where I need to be. I still have a long way to go, but with Dr. Dan’s support, I know it will happen one day.
Five years ago, even three years ago, I never would have believed that I’d complete three 5k’s, a 10k, a 15k, a half-marathon, and the Disney marathon or that I’d be riding my bike and preparing to ride a 38 mile road race at the end of March; or that I would’ve had the confidence to actually climb the Rock Wall on a cruise ship. In my old life, I would’ve just stood aside and watched others doing it. I actually can’t believe how my life has changed, even now. It’s even better since I’ve met some good friends who share the same goals with me. Participating in the Extreme Makeovers has changed my life forever. Because of all I’ve learned about proper nutrition, I’ll never view food the same way again. I try to educate others around me as I see them put 7 sugars in their coffee or eating Mickey-D’s for breakfast each morning. They don’t listen, but it doesn’t stop me from trying to share all I’ve learned whenever an opportunity arises. And sometimes, they do listen.
Label reading, proper supplementation, and using green cleaning/personal care products will always be a part of my life. Maybe ignorance was bliss, because I can never go back to the way I was. This is my journey from here on out. After 52 years, I’m finally happy with my life and plan on being around for another 50 years, utilizing all I’ve learned at Extreme Makeovers and getting my all-important, life-saving adjustments. Thanks for changing my life forever. NO LIMITS!
Carol Copeland

Something is still missing @ the EXTREME MAKEOVER…YOU!

***WEEK #2 of the Extreme Makeover will be held Monday night, October 26th @ 7pm at the Lake Mary Events Center. There are 5 more nights left in this 6 week program; more than enough time to have your life transform. This is not a weight loss program. This is a life-transformational program. Don’t talk yourself out of coming just because you think you know what it is! Stay open minded and join us! Bring all of your friends and family and let them hear about the strategies that have produced the healthiest human beings on the planet. There is not another program like this, ANYWHERE! Please bring a minimum of 10 guests. Register at the front desk today. Seating is very limited! Or call 407-333-2277 to register you and everybody that you know.

YFCC is on Facebook. If you have a Facebook page, sign on and start receiving valuable information that you can send to your friends and family. There are 2 sites. One is Yachter Family Chiropractic Center and the other is my personal page at Dan Yachter. We also have a Twitter site called Doc_Dan. Sign on and follow for the latest updates.

***Want to learn more about our ambassador program? Speak to the front desk for details. Find out how you can be a part our inner circle patient team that is helping to save the community. ALSO, TO LEARN ABOUT HOW YFCC PATIENTS’ BODIES ARE HEALING FROM HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, LUPUS, DIABETES, SCOLIOSIS, CONSTANT ILLNESS, BRAIN TRAUMA. CANCER, MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION, ALLERGIES, ASTHMA, ADHD, MIGRAINES, AND FAILURE TO THRIVE SYNDROM GO TO: